• Aktuality


24. dubna 2023

Přednáška Béatrice Laurent a Niny Eldridge: Vraždou nezarmoutíš neboli o umění na pomezí neznáma

Termín a místo konání: čtvrtek 4. května, 11:30-12:50 v budově FHS, učebna 2.21

Dne 4. května na Fakultě humanitních studií vystoupí hostující přednášející Béatrice Laurent a Nina Eldridge z katedry anglistiky Université Bordeaux Montaigne s dvojpřednáškou na téma „Vraždou nezarmoutíš neboli o umění na pomezí neznáma“.

Université Bordeaux Montaigne je partnerskou univerzitou FHS v rámci programu Erasmus+.



Béatrice Laurent: Thomas De Quincey’s Gentle Art of Murder Appreciation

A journalist, translator and essayist, Thomas De Quincey (1785-1859) was born during the Romantic era in Britain. He participated in the movement, but to the pastoral reveries of his friend William Wordsworth, De Quincey preferred the dark side of Romanticism – the Gothic. His very personal style of writing mixed fiction and non-fiction, his tone was provocative, his interests were multifarious, and his prose was typically circumvoluted. This presentation will look into a series of essays entitled On Murder considered as one of the Fine Arts (1827) and suggest that De Quincey not only offered a provocative piece of literary amusement, playing with the codes of rhetorics, of scholarly research, of art criticism and of sociability, but that he also plumbed the human psyche to uncover its darkest recesses. Taking a museum guide’s eye view of his fanciful gallery of great masters of the Art of Murder, the narrator parodies the discourses of self-serving experts and anticipates the gamification of murder that became prevalent from the early 20th century onwards.

Nina Eldridge: The artist-hero's journey in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

James Joyce's 1916 novel A Portrait of the Artisit as a Young Man shows the coming of age of the protagonist Stephen Dedalus. The novel follows his initiation into aspects of Irish society at the turn of the 20th century that Joyce saw as creative constraints and his subsequent distancing from them. This journey affords the novel both the labels of Bildungsroman and Künstlerroman in literary criticism. While the hero's journey may be easier to trace, the novel also depicts the incessant navigation in and out of the unknown by the artisit. This lecture explores how the archetypes of hero and of artist are related and how – despite their necessary position as outsider – artists exist in relation to society.

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Studijní program EKS

Fakulta humanitních studií

Univerzita Karlova

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

kancelář 2.19

doc. Mgr. Jakub Češka, Ph.D.

garant studijního programu


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