Mgr. Marina Yesipenko

(*1983) holds MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistic, English and Japanese language and literature, CELTA, IHCYLT and Delta certificates in teaching from Cambridge English Assessment. Her main spheres of interest comprise linguistics, methodology of teaching, language learning and acquisition, cognitive science, social semiotics and multimodality. She has been a practicing English as Second Language teacher, teacher trainer and methodologist for 15 years. Marina is a frequent conference presenter, the most recent events including InnovateELT (Barcelona), IATEFL Poland, IATEFL Hungary, The Image Conference (Brussels, Belgium), ELT Council (Malta). Currently she is doing a PhD course in Semiotics at Charles University, researching the interdisciplinary topic of redefining the modern concept of literacy with the use of multimodal texts. 

Poslední změna: 5. listopad 2019 09:57 
Váš názor

Studijní program EKS

Fakulta humanitních studií

Univerzita Karlova

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

kancelář 2.19

doc. Mgr. Jakub Češka, Ph.D.

garant studijního programu


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